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More than 25 years of excellence and a team of experienced lawyers

We provide comprehensive assistance in the most varied types of operations, combining legal structuring with the most favorable business conditions for clients, all with a primarily practical focus in order to understand the client's culture and its market, offering innovative and differentiated solutions.

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    +55 (11) 3817.9100

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    Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1478 - 19th floor - cj. 1901

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We are professionals with solid training and specialization in various areas of law and we aim to constantly improve our professions. Meet our associates, interns and consultants.

our professionals

Tradition and Excellence

Founded in 1995, the law firm Marques Rosado, Toledo Cesar & Carmona Advogados has been achieving excellent results in view of its model of work, based on the main principle of direct contact between the client and a skilled professional in charge of performing the work. This allows us to have a deep knowledge of the clients’ needs, thus guaranteeing a better and more efficient assistance.

With a multidisciplinary team and investing continuously in the improvement of our professionals, our structure allows for the assistance to clients of all sizes, from individuals do multinational companies, always with the same quality standards. We act with agility, quality and an optimal cost-benefit (professional services of high quality at competitive prices).

about us